10 Tips on How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps on Legs

Knowing how to get rid of razor bumps on legs can come in handy if you’re a fan of this quick and affordable way of removing unwanted hair but you can’t get rid of that irritating razor burn that just decides to appear every once in a while. It’s inevitable to get razor burn every once in a while so getting rid of those unaesthetic razor bumps is a must-know if you’re going to use this method to get rid of hair.

There are several things that can cause razor burn, including shaving with a dull blade, using soap that is too hard, having sensitive or unconditioned skin, or even shaving dry. Razor burn implies irritated skin, a burning sensation, and the appearance of a red rash on a recently shaved area. While seeing shave bumps on legs is in no way unusual, they are usually unpleasant so figuring out how to get rid of razor bumps on legs naturally can help protect our skin from this unwanted side-effect of shaving.

Although you can find cosmetic products to help eliminate shaving bumps on legs, they can prove to be expensive so many prefer to learn how to soothe razor bumps using some ingenious home remedies for razor burn. If you’re wondering how to treat after shave bumps or looking for razor bumps on legs remedies, keep reading for the best tips we found to help you deal with this issue.

It’s important to bear in mind that, although it is sometimes inevitable to get razor burns, you can also figure out how to prevent razor bumps on legs from happening. Moisturizing your skin after shaving and using a soap that doesn’t dry the skin too much can help reduce the likelihood of getting razor burn legs. Making sure to use a sharp razor blade and avoiding dry shaving can also help you maintain your skin hydrated and prevent razor bumps.

1. How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps on Legs Using Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great way to get rid of razor burn on legs and even on more sensitive areas. Aloe Vera has calming properties that can help immediately alleviate the burning sensation and the inflammation caused by razor burns. It will moisturize the skin and help the affected area heal faster. You can simply take Aloe Vera leaves and extract the pulp from them, then apply it on the irritated skin. After rubbing the lotion in, you can allow it to get absorbed and dry on its own.

Aloe Vera gel or lotions can also be bought and used with the same effect. Because of its anti-bacterial properties, Aloe Vera can help disinfect the affected area while helping encourage the healing process and reducing the inflammation as well. You can apply the gel to the affected area twice a day until the swelling and redness subside. It will help with healing razor burn and eliminate the bumps quicker.

2. How to Treat Razor Burn with Cold Compresses

Applying a cold compress to the skin will help alleviate and, in time, cure razor burn. It will soothe the burning sensation and help reduce the swelling and inflammation. If you can use a cold compress immediately after you’ve started experiencing razor burn, you can prevent razor bumps from forming in the first place. This simple but effective remedy will provide immediate relief and help the affected area heal faster.

You can simply pack a few ice cubes into a clean cloth or towel and apply it to the area. Ideally, use a thin cloth or towel so that the compress is more effective. Hold the compress on the skin for a few minutes. You can also submerge a cloth or a thin towel in cold water and then place it on the affected area for a few minutes.

3. How to Stop Razor Burn on Legs with Witch Hazel

One of the most popular razor burn cures we could find was Witch Hazel so it’s worth trying this simple remedy if you’re unsure of how to get rid of razor bumps on legs. Witch Hazel is a natural astringent that has a cooling and cleansing effect on the skin. It is used to remedy a wide variety of skin issues and it can be just as effective to alleviate razor burn effects.

It is a natural antiseptic but it also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It will calm the skin and reduce the swelling. It will also help purify and clean the pores, helping the area heal faster. You can purchase witch hazel solutions from a wide range of stores. Witch hazel products that have been enriched with Aloe Vera extracts can also be easily found. You can simply dab a bit of witch hazel solution on a cotton pad and use it to wipe the affected areas with it.

4. How to Get Rid of a Razor Burn Using Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is very effective in disinfecting and treating razor bumps due to its anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. Aside from helping you clean the affected area, tea tree oil will also be effective in hydrating the skin and reducing the redness and the swelling. You can rub a bit of oil directly on the skin until the swelling and redness subside.

You can also use a few drops of tea tree oil to condition your skin each time you shave just after you have removed the unwanted hair. This will reduce the risk of razor bumps appearing again another time and it will help keep your skin moisturized.

5. How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps on Legs with Apple Cider Vinegar

If you’re at home and you don’t know what to put on razor burn areas, just grab a bit of apple cider vinegar and dab your skin with it. Apple cider vinegar has calming properties that can reduce the swelling and the burning sensation. It also acts as an antiseptic, cleaning out the pores and preventing infection. It will help with the inflammation and provide a cooling effect.

You can simply dab a bit of apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad or ball and wipe the affected area with it. Allow the apple cider vinegar to dry completely on the skin, then wash the area with cold water to remove what is left. Repeat the process two or three times a day until the swelling and redness subsides and the razor bumps start to retract. If you have highly sensitive skin, you can dilute the apple cider vinegar in water before applying it.

6. How to Cure Razor Burn Fast Using Honey

Honey can be used to hydrate the skin and eliminate the risk of infection because of its anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. The nectar will also help reduce razor bumps and encourage the affected area to heal faster. You can apply a layer of honey on the skin and allow it to rest for fifteen to twenty minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, combine equal parts honey and yogurt and mix them together until you obtain a homogenous paste. You can then apply this paste on the affected area just as you would the honey itself. Allow it to sit for fifteen minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. Use the honey-based treatment two or three times a day until the swelling subsides.

7. How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps on Legs with Baking Soda

This is one of the most commonly used methods for treating razor bumps and it has been around for quite some time. This great tip on how to get rid of razor bumps on legs with homemade solutions will help you reduce swelling and redness as well as help you relieve the burning sensation.

Mix together a tablespoon of baking soda and a cup of water, then dip a cotton ball into the mixture and wipe the affected skin with it. Allow the solution to work for about five minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. It will soothe the skin, reduce the swelling, and eliminate the risk of infection. Repeat the process two to three times a day for increased effects.

8. How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps on Legs Using Cucumber

Cucumber slices can be very effective in soothing the redness and the swelling experienced with razor burns. Cucumber contains vitamins that help relieve pain. It also helps hydrate the skin and it has a cooling effect on the affected area. You can slice a cucumber and cool it in the refrigerator for thirty minutes before placing the slices on the razor bumps. You can rub the slices on the affected area for about ten minutes to or three times a day until the symptoms subside. This is a great tip on how to get rid of razor bumps on legs.

Alternatively, puree some cucumber along with some milk in a blender and let the resulting paste cool in the refrigerator for about thirty minutes. Once the mixture is cold, apply it to the affected area and let it sit for ten minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. Repeat the process two or three times a day until the razor bumps disappear.

9. How to Heal Razor Burn Fast With Coconut Oil

Another great option for soothing irritated skin is coconut oil. It will help clean and hydrate the skin, which will prompt faster healing. Coconut oil can also be used to reduce inflammation and help rejuvenate the affected area. It will moisturize irritated skin and help alleviate the burning sensation.

You can simply apply a bit of coconut oil on the affected area for about ten to fifteen minutes in order to help the skin absorb it. Alternatively, you can combine it with water and stir it until it blends.  You can then use the resulting lotion and apply it on the skin. Let it sit for ten minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Ideally, repeat the process three or four times a day or until the redness disappears.

10. How to Remove Razor Bumps on Legs Using Aspirin

A very simple remedy for razor bumps is aspirin as it contains salicylic acid, an ingredient that helps reduce swelling and redness. It will help remove dead skin cells, kill bacteria, and help clean your skin’s pores. Salicylic acid is also used in acne products as it helps the skin heal and prevents infection. Simply crush up an aspirin and add some water to create a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area and let it dry. After it has dried up, you can rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you can place one or two aspirin pills in a bit of warm water and let them dissolve until they dissolve. You can spread the resulting paste on the affected area and let it sit for ten minutes. After it has dried enough, you can use a bit of lukewarm water in order to rinse it off.

The treatment will allow the skin to heal and alleviate the burning sensation as well as the irritation and discomfort. The paste can be used twice a day to help remove razor bumps. However, it is not recommended that people with highly sensitive skin use this treatment, as the salicylic acid can prove to be too strong for them and end up doing more harm than good. If you have sensitive skin and wish to use this remedy, dilute very little aspirin in more water and create a solution that can be applied on the skin but make sure to rinse it off immediately if you experience any discomfort. How to get rid of razor bumps on legs can depend a lot on the type of skin you have.

Although all of the remedies listed here can help you alleviate the effect of razor burn, it is best to take the necessary precautionary measures to avoid dealing with this issue in the first place. Using a moisturizing cream after shaving, choosing a soap that does not dry the skin, and changing the razor each time you shave can help you avoid having this problem. The best tip on how to get rid of razor bumps on legs and other areas is to make sure that you’ve taken all of the possible precautions before you remove unwanted hair.

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

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