12 Home Remedies for Stomach Ache

A stomachache can cut your daily routine short and leave you suffering for hours. When you need to stay on task but also do not want to take over-the-counter medications, you can give these simple and low-cost 12 home remedies for stomach ache a try.

1. Lemon

Lemon is often touted as a super food that eliminates or eases a wide array of health conditions. When used as a home remedy for stomach ache, lemon can add beneficial acid to your digestive tract to help your stomach get rid of food that may be backlogged in your system. To use lemon to treat stomach pain, you need:

  • fresh lemons
  • lemon juice
  • water

If you do not want to eat raw lemon as a home remedy for stomach ache, you can add lemon slices or lemon juice to water. Drink the lemon water as often as needed to cure a stomach ache.

2. Ginger

Ginger ale has long been used as a home remedy for stomach ache, particularly by parents who want to help their children feel better quickly. Nevertheless, if you want a strategy to cure a stomach ache without all of the sugar of ginger ale, you could make a tea out of fresh or powdered ginger. To make a ginger tea, you need:

  • fresh grated ginger (1.5 – 2 teaspoons)
  • water
  • honey or sugar for sweetening

Add the grated ginger to boiling water, turn off the heat, and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Then, sweeten with a small amount of honey or sugar. Drink the tea as a home remedy for stomach ache until your symptoms subside. You can drink this tea for vomiting, diarrhea, and heartburn as well.

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda has long been used as one of the easiest home remedies for stomach ache that is safe for both adults and children. When used as a home remedy for stomach ache, baking soda helps neutralize the acid in your stomach. It compels you to burp or pass gas until your stomach pains are relieved. To use baking soda as one of the ways to cure a stomach ache, you need:

  • a box of baking soda
  • four to six ounces of water

Drink the baking soda water as one of the fastest stomach ache remedies that will not bend your budget. You can get baking soda for less than a dollar a box. It also poses no risk to your health.

4. Mint or Peppermint

Mint is frequently used as a way to ease stomach ache because it is one of the safest stomach ache remedies available today. This plant calms your stomach with its antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities. To use mint or peppermint as a way to get rid of stomach pain, you need:

  • fresh mint or peppermint
  • mint or peppermint essential oil
  • water

Boil the mint or mint oil with water and allow to cool. Drink the mint water as a quick and safe remedy for stomach ache. You can find fresh mint for sale at most grocery stores and peppermint at an organic grocery or at most health food stores.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile is also frequently used as one of the leading home remedies for stomach ache. These flowers have antifungal and antimicrobial qualities that make it perfect for using if you suffer from food poisoning or a rotavirus infection. It is gentle and goes to work quickly, making it a favorite home remedy for stomach pain for children, as well. You can use chamomile as a home remedy for stomach ache as you would normally. You’ll need:

  • chamomile oil or fresh chamomile
  • green tea
  • water

Boil the chamomile or chamomile oil with water and green tea. Drink the tea as often as needed until your stomach ache or stomach pain subsides. Chamomile is also good to drink if you have heartburn.

6. Caraway Seed

Caraway seeds are an ancient remedy for stomach ache. Archaeologists have discovered that caraway seeds were used in ancient Peru and Chile by civilizations as one of the numerous home remedies for stomach ache that people in those days utilized. To use caraway seeds as a home remedy for stomach pain in your home, you need:

  • fresh or dried caraway seeds
  • a baking sheet
  • a food processor

Roast the caraway seeds before grinding them into a fine powder with your food processor. Boil them with water to make a weak tea that you can drink to get rid of a stomach ache.

7. Yogurt

One of the most delectable home remedies for stomach ache involves eating probiotic yogurt. People sometimes get stomach aches because they lack enough helpful bacteria in their digestive tracts. They may have too many harmful bacteria that causes vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

To add good bacteria back into your body, you can eat yogurt as one of the fastest and least expensive home remedies for stomach ache. To use yogurt as a remedy for stomach ache, eat varieties like:

Do not eat the candy or sweetened yogurts because they often do not contain high enough levels of probiotics. Plain and Greek yogurt are better options for how to get rid of a stomach ache fast.

8. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another one of the proven home remedies for stomach ache that is safe for both adults and children to use. When you want to use cinnamon as a way to ease stomach ache, you may find it easiest to make it into a tea. To make a cinnamon tea as one of the easiest home remedies for stomach ache, you need:

  • fresh or ground cinnamon
  • a grater
  • water

If you use fresh cinnamon sticks, you will need to grate them before adding them to the boiling water. Otherwise, you can add powdered cinnamon to boiling water to make a cinnamon tea that will help ease your stomach ache. This tea is also one of the safest home remedies for stomach ache that diabetics can use without experiencing a spike in their glucose levels.

9. Dry Toast

When you want one of the safest home remedies for stomach ache without having to make tea or taking OTC medications, you may be able to get fast relief by eating a piece of dry toast. The dry toasted bread absorbs stomach acid that could be causing nausea. The toast also helps ease diarrhea and vomiting. To use dry toast as one of your preferred home remedies for stomach ache, you need:

  • white or whole wheat bread
  • a toaster

You should not use rye, pumpernickel, or other flavored bread because of their strong flavors. White or whole wheat bread has the mild flavor and consistency that make the best dry toast.

10. White Rice

White rice is part of the BRAT diet that doctors often recommend to patients with stomach viruses. BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. The white rice helps dry up stomach acid that causes diarrhea and vomiting. To use this home remedy, you need:

Do not flavor the water with salt, pepper, or other ingredients that could further upset your stomach. Eat the rice without butter or other flavorings to experience fast relief from stomach aches.

11. Parsley

Parsley is another home remedy for stomach aches that can be used safely and without spending a lot of money. This aromatic plant has antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities that help calm your stomach. To use parsley as a stomach ache remedy, you need:

  • fresh or dried parsley
  • water
  • green tea

You can boil the parsley with the green tea to make a beverage that you can drink to calm your stomach. You can also eat the parsley fresh if you can palate the flavor of it. After eating or drinking this plant or its infusion, you should experience relief from your stomach ache within a few hours.

12. Apples

Apples are another food that you can eat to calm your stomach ache. Despite containing moderate levels themselves, apples, in fact, help neutralize the acid in your stomach. Apples can help with constipation and also help you pass gas so that you find fast relief from bloating. If you do not want to eat whole apples, you can also try:

  • applesauce
  • apple juice
  • apple cider

You can also brew apple juice or apple pieces with green tea to make a tea that will help you get over mild to moderate stomach aches fast. Apples are low in cost year round. In addition, they and other apple products tend to be the least expensive during the fall harvest season.

Nevertheless, you should avoid eating too many apples or too much applesauce, juice, or cider. An excess of apples can cause diarrhea and also make your stomach ache last longer and become more intense.


Suffering from a stomach ache can interrupt your day and bring you hours of misery. When you are afraid to use OTC medications because you believe they will constipate you, you may wonder if you can use a home remedy for upset stomach that will bring you faster relief.

These 12 home remedies for stomach ache work quickly and do not cost a lot of money. You can use them discreetly without having to spend a lot of money. They let you get back to your day and find the fast relief you need to overcome minor to moderate stomach aches and stomach pain.

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

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