15 Home Remedies for Fibroids

Fibroids, often called uterine fibroids or fibromyoma, are benign tumors. They are made up of fibrous or muscular tissue and are located on the wall of the womb. Non-cancerous, they can be as big as a grapefruit or as small as a marble. They are most common in women who are between 30 and 50 years old. They are caused by things like improper diet, abnormal blood vessel systems, heredity and more. In our article, we will offer you home remedies for fibroids. These home remedies will come with everything you need to complete them. This includes the materials that you will need and the steps that you have to take.

1. Lemon Juice

Acids are a good thing to use to help treat your fibroids. Because of this, having acids in your diet while you are getting treated is sure to help you recover sooner. Lemon juice is full of citric acid and this makes it a good choice. You can choose to juice a fresh lemon to get the best results. If you do not want to do that, using premade and bottled lemon juice will work just fine. Find both of these things at any grocery store.

Necessary Items


  1. Pour a glass of cold water.
  2. Drop two teaspoons of lemon juice into the water.
  3. Drink this solution each day.

2. Garlic

Garlic is full of a number of helpful compounds that can help to heal your fibroids faster. These include minerals, vitamin C and vitamin B6. Not only this, but fresh garlic is also full of antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This can help heal the fibroids and reduce the pain. The antioxidants are also good for this. Garlic is also known to help stop the growth of any tumor in the uterus. You can incorporate it into your cooking or chew on cloves each day.

Necessary Items


  1. Put fresh garlic into your meals.
  2. You can also chew on a clove or two of garlic. Do it a few times a day.

3. Olive Oil

Olive oil is a great oil when it comes to regulating and balancing the hormones. One of the most common causes of fibroids is an overabundance of the hormone estrogen. With olive oil, you can block the production of estrogen. This can help slow down or stop the growth of the uterine tumors. Olive oil can be found in many forms. You can locate this oil in the grocery store. It is relatively cheap and easy to find. You might even already have some in your cupboard.

Necessary Items


  1. Put olive oil into the food you make.
  2. You can make olive tea by brewing olive leaves as well.

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4. Ginger

Ginger root is another common and highly effective natural remedy. It is great at reducing the pain that can come with fibroids. Furthermore, it can help to increase the circulation of your blood. This can help to heal the tumor faster and reduce the swelling. Ginger can be consumed in many forms, but tea is recommended. You can find fresh ginger in the produce aisle of any grocery store. It is relatively inexpensive for this treatment and a little can go a long way.

Necessary Items


  1. Cut up the ginger root.
  2. Put it into a mug.
  3. Pour boiling water over the pieces.
  4. Let it steep for 20 minutes.
  5. Once it cools, drink it throughout the day.

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5. Castor Oil

Castor oil is another common go-to home remedy for fibroids. It is able to get in and reduce the size of the benign tumor. Finding castor oil is simple; you can locate it at any department store, pharmacy and health store alike. It is simple to use and is very cheap. This makes it one of the most effortless home remedies for fibroids around.

Necessary Items

  • Castor oil
  • Clean cotton cloth
  • Plastic wrap


  1. Pour warm castor oil into a bowl.
  2. Dip the cloth in it.
  3. Fold the cloth.
  4. Put it on the abdomen area.
  5. Cover the cloth with plastic wrap.
  6. Apply a hot water bottle to it.
  7. Let it sit overnight.
  8. Do this for five nights.

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6. Milk

 Milk is an excellent and common choice for home remedies for fibroids. It can be used to soothe the pain with ease. Because it is rich in protein, you are less likely to develop fibroids. A study has shown that women who eat the following are less likely to suffer from fibroids.  It is important that they are eating at least once a day:

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Other kinds of dairy products

Necessary Items


  1. Warm up some milk in a glass.
  2. Pour in a bit of turmeric into the milk.
  3. Mix it up well.
  4. Once it is mixed, drink this milk. Do this twice very day.

7. Gooseberry

Gooseberry is one of the most commonly used home remedies for fibroids. It is often also used home remedy for damaged hair and skin issues because of the way it regulates cell growth. For this reason, it can help with the healthy cell growth in your uterus. This may be able to help stop any uterine fibroids from growing in the first place. Gooseberry is most commonly found in a health food store. Sometimes it can be found in a grocery store.

Necessary Items

  • Gooseberry powder
  • Raw honey


  1. Mix in one teaspoon gooseberry powder into a single teaspoon of raw honey.
  2. Mix it well and then eat it.
  3. Do this once a day in the morning on an empty stomach.

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8. Turmeric Powder

Turmeric powder alone can help to fight off the benign tumor. It has healing properties in its antioxidant composition. It is also full of anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-inflammatories can help to reduce the swelling in the uterus. This in turn can help to reduce your pain levels. You can get powdered turmeric and drink it in milk. You can also add it into your cooking or drink it with a bit of water.

Necessary Items

  • Powdered turmeric
  • Water or milk


  1. Pour a large glass of water or milk.
  2. Warm up the liquid you have chosen.
  3. Pour in a bit of the turmeric powder.
  4. Drink the solution.
  5. Repeat this twice each day for best results.

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9. Onion

Onions are full of antioxidants that can help your body fight off the fibroids. Not only this, but they have antiseptic properties as well. This combination is good at healing up the fibroid tumors in the uterus and can balance out the hormones in a female body more easily. This means regulating the amount of estrogen in your body; too much estrogen can contribute to fibroid growth. You can get onions in the produce section of any grocery store. They are not expensive.

Necessary Items


  1. Cut up a raw onion.
  2. Eat it on your salads or on top of your foods.
  3. You want to be sure you are eating the onions raw and not cooked.

10. Master Cleanse Technique

Master cleanse is a technique where you try to flush out the toxins and waste in the body. This helps you to get any infections out, and it can also balance the hormones. By balancing the levels of estrogen being produced, you can reduce the chance of growing a fibroid. For ones that already exist, you can stop them from growing. You can also help their size to reduce. Drink the master cleanse each day.

Necessary Items

  • 10 ounces of water
  • Lemon juice
  • Organic grade A maple syrup
  • Cayenne powder


  1. Mix together the water, two tablespoons of lemon juice, two tablespoons of maple syrup and some cayenne.
  2. Drink six to 10 glasses each day.

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11. Soybeans

Soybeans are full of something called phytoestrogen. This hormone is similar to estrogen. By eating soybeans, you can block the receptors for estrogen that are found in the fibroid cells. This can help to lower your symptoms while also reducing the risk you have for growing hormone-based fibroids. You can eat soybeans in any manner you like. They can be found canned or dried at the grocery store. Like most beans, they are not very expensive.

Necessary Items


  1. Make soups or stews out of these beans.
  2. You can also toss them onto your salads. Soy beans are very versatile and can be eaten and prepared in just about any way you want.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also quite acidic, and it may be able to help in the same way that lemon juice does. Apple cider vinegar is one of the most common vinegars and can be found in your cabinet most likely. If not, it is very cheap to buy. You can find apple cider vinegar in any grocery store. Choose the type you like best–it does not matter.

Necessary Items


  1. Pour an eight ounce glass of water.
  2. Drop in two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into the water.
  3. Stir it up well.
  4. Drink this mixture daily for the best results and pain relief.

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13. Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for healing up the fibroid tumors. In order to get the healthiest dose of these omega-3 fatty acids, you can eat fish. It is better if you eat cold water fish, but if you do not eat meat or like fish, you can take supplements. Fish can be found at most grocery stores or meat retailers. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements are available at many pharmacies and health stores.

Necessary Items


  • Omega-3 fatty acid supplements


  1. Take the supplements as directed on the bottle, or by following the instructions your doctor gives you.


  1. Eat cold water fish such as:

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14. Warm Compress

Uterine fibroids can often cause a lot of pain. One way to deal with this pain is with a warm compress. A warm compress can help reduce the inflammation in the uterus. With the swelling down, the pain levels should reduce. Use a heating pad or make a warm compress on your own.

Necessary Items

  • Heating pad or another warm compress


  1. Put the heat source onto your abdomen.
  2. Allow it to soothe the muscles and the inflammation in your body.

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15. Honey

Honey is full of a variety of beneficial compounds. It is antimicrobial, antibiotic, antiseptic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. All of these things work together to help you heal from your fibroids. When you use raw, natural honey with pollen, the results are even better. Both of these ingredients can be found at health food stores.

Necessary Items


  1. Mix together one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of pollen in a glass of water.
  2. Drink it once a day.

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Fibroids are a sometimes painful, yet benign condition that women may suffer. Get rid of your fibroids by following the steps in this article. These home remedies for fibroids should help you heal faster and reduce your symptoms.

What home remedies for fibroids do you use? Tell us about them in the comments below.