15 Home Remedies for Food Poisoning

In this article, we will look at home remedies for food poisoning. This will include the benefits of each remedy along with a step-by-step guide on how to use the remedies.

Food poisoning happens when bacteria, viruses, or other toxins have formed in something that we have eaten or drank. The body reacts to the toxins and causes symptoms within only a few hours of eating contaminated foods. These symptoms include nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Dehydration caused by these symptoms also poses a risk to your health.

1. Ginger

Ginger has been known for quite some time to help with most stomach issues. It is perhaps the most common home remedy for stomach issues, making it a rather common household item. This means it is an inexpensive home remedy for food poisoning as well.

Necessary Items


  • Bring water to its boiling point.
  • Place the Ginger into the bottom of the mug or mix the Ginger in. You want to be sure that it is thoroughly blended in.
  • Cover the Ginger with water.
  • Let it steep it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Drink the whole cup up to twice daily. You can drink it when symptoms are present or as a way to stop them.
  •  Enjoy the warmth that comes along with the hot tea to further soothe your   ailments.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar creates an acidic environment in which bacteria have a hard time thriving. This helps get rid of the bacteria from food poisoning. This is a common household item, making it cheap to use. Gargle or simply swallow some of it.

Necessary Items

  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 8 ounces of warm water


  • Heat warm water on a stove or in a microwave.
  • Stir apple cider vinegar into water.
  • Gargle the solution for up to 15 seconds.
  • Spit it out and repeat the gargle with the remaining water.
  • Rinse with plain water when you’re done.

3. Lemon

Lemon is an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compound. Therefore, lemon can give you a number of benefits regarding your food poisoning. It is even great for settling a stomach when enjoyed in small amounts while the acid kills the bacteria. Make a sort of tea out of it.

Necessary Items


  • Get a fresh lemon or lemon juice from the store.
  • Squeeze the lemon juice out of the bottle or the lemon.
  • Swallow the lemon juice plain or put it into a tea if you can’t stomach the taste.

4. Fenugreek and Yogurt

Fenugreek Seeds are great for treating any sort of discomfort in your stomach. Yogurt has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can get rid of the bacteria that are causing the food poisoning.

Necessary Items


  • Mix one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds into a tablespoon of yogurt.
  • Swallow the seeds and the yogurt mixture.
  • Try not to chew on them. Chase them with a bottle of water.

5. Banana

Bananas are one of the best home remedies for food poisoning. This is because they are gentle on the stomach and they are simple to digest. Besides that, they are rich in potassium, helping to replenish what is lost by vomiting. Eating a banana can help your energy levels as well.

Necessary Items


  • Eat a whole banana by itself or make a healthy banana smoothie and drink it throughout the day.

6. Garlic

Garlic is effective at combating food poisoning due to its antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties which are all very strong. It can relieve symptoms of food poisoning such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. Eating a clove of garlic will work, but making a sort of garlic tea will make it more bearable to eat.

Necessary Items


  • Chop up a clove of fresh garlic.
  • Eat the garlic or cook it into your food.

7. Peppermint Leaves

Peppermint is known for its soothing properties. While it may not treat the food poisoning itself, it can be used with more powerful food poisoning herbal remedies. Think of it as a sort of add on. Peppermint leaves can be found anywhere–at a health food market or at a grocery store in the produce section.

Necessary Items


  • Chop up some fresh peppermint leaves.

8. Holy Basil

Basil is great for soothing the discomfort in the stomach that is often caused by food poisoning. It has antimicrobial properties that will combat the microorganisms making you sick. You can eat basil plain, but on a sick stomach, it is best to make it into a tea.

Necessary Items


  • Boil some water on the stove.
  • Put the basil leaves into the bottom of your mug or mix the Basil leaves in.
  • Douse the basil leaves with water.
  • Allow it to stand it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Drink the entire cup up to twice every day. You can enjoy it when symptoms are present or as a way to prevent them.

9. Honey

Honey is a pleasant tasting ingredient that is found in most households, making it a cheap home remedy. It can settle stomach acid that is out of control when you’re sick while also providing antibacterial benefits. This can wipe out the bacteria causing the food poisoning. If you can stomach a few thick spoonfuls, then eat some honey. If not, make a tea.

Necessary Items


  • Get a big spoon.
  • Dip it into a honey jar and swallow it slowly.
  • Repeat when you feet sick to your stomach and randomly throughout the day.

10. Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal can help stop toxins from continuously going in and out of the cells of your stomach making you sicker. This can prevent your condition from getting worse. Activated Charcoal comes in pill form, but that might be hard to keep down with food poisoning. Instead, try mixing it in with some tea.

Necessary Items

  • Activated Charcoal pills
  • Water


  • Buy activated charcoal supplements.
  • Take them as directed on the bottle.
  • You want to take this charcoal for as long as your symptoms persist to get the best results.

11. Chicken Broth

Chicken Broth helps to bring hydration back to your body that you lost from vomiting and diarrhea. It can even restore the necessary electrolytes your body needs while providing vitamins and minerals that boost your energy levels.

Necessary Items


  • Instead of making chicken broth for hours, get some dried broth.
  • Then, mix it with hot water.
  • Let it stand for a few minutes.
  • Drink the broth when you feel sick to your stomach.
  • Also drink the broth throughout the day to stave off symptoms.

12. Chamomile

Chamomile is known to be a tea that is a “catch all” for sickness. It is absolutely packed with antioxidants, helping your immune system better fight back against illness. Chamomile also soothes the stomach and can help with the abdominal pain.

Necessary Items


  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Drop the Chamomile leaves into the bottom of the mug or mix the Chamomile leaves in. You will need to make sure that the leaves are thoroughly blended in.
  • Drench the Chamomile leaves in hot water.
  • Let it steep it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Drink the whole cup up to two times a day. You should drink it when symptoms arise or as a way to stop them from occurring.

13. Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay is very similar to activated charcoal. It helps soak up toxins so that they do not continue to go into your body, worsening the conditions. You can help prevent stomach pains this way as well. It can be found at many health food stores.

Necessary Items


  • Mix bentonite clay into boiling water like you would do with a tea.
  • Let it sit for around 15 minutes then drink the tea. You can do this when you feel sick or slowly throughout the day.
  • Take a bentonite clay supplement as directed on the bottle

14. Mashed Potatoes

Mashed Potatoes are simple to digest and feel good on your raw throat. They are full of vitamin B6 which helps give you an energy boost.

Necessary Items

  • Real potatoes or mashed potato flakes
  • Water
  • Basil
  • Garlic


  • Either use the potato flakes as directed or follow a recipe for mashed potatoes.
  • Add in the herbs in order to make the potatoes more effective.
  • Eat the potatoes until you start feeling better.

15. Black Cumin Seed

Black Cumin Seed is a common spice that is in most kitchens, making it a cheap remedy. It works by alleviating the discomfort and inflammation in the body. It can also help you digest your food.

Necessary Items


  • Chew and swallow the seeds.


Food poisoning is, unfortunately, something most people will go through at some point in their lives. Keep this article on hand to know what to do next time. Have we forgotten to add your favorite home remedies for food poisoning? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

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