7 Best Ear Wax Removal Products

Earwax or cerumen is naturally produced to protect the ear canal from dust and other particles. However, earwax can build up and clog the ear canal. You need to use the best ear wax removal methods available to get rid of a blockage and prevent infection in the future. Here is how you can safely remove earwax and some product recommendations.

We selected seven different ear wax removal methods and products according to these criteria:

  • Safe to use. Some methods can damage the ear canal. We only selected the methods and products that are entirely safe to use.
  • Easy to use. Removing earwax is something you should be able to easily do at home.
  • Efficiency. We selected the products that will work best when it comes to removing earwax buildups.
  • Variety. We selected different methods and products so you can try different things and see what works best for you.

We recommend that you try any of these seven products and methods to clean your ears. They are safe to use and should easily loosen and remove earwax.

Debrox is one of the most well-known brands of earwax removal drops. This product is safe to use and easy to apply.

These ear drops are sold over-the-counter. Don’t wait until you have a blockage to use them since you can apply these ear drops to keep your ear canals clean and prevent buildups.

You can purchase a kit that comes with the eardrops and a rubber ball syringe. The eardrops are stored in a small bottle with an applicator tip.

All you have to do is apply a few eardrops and wait. The product will foam and loosen the earwax. If the earwax doesn’t come out, you can use the rubber ball syringe to gently flush the ear canal with water.

The main ingredient used in Debrox ear drop is carbamide peroxide. This ingredient loosens ear wax by foaming and is safe to use.

This is a very efficient product. It can break down any wax buildup and clean your ear canals. The fact that the product foams is ideal since foam will expand and reach any area of the ear canal.

These eardrops work within minutes and can be used regularly. The downside of these eardrops is that you can’t use them on a child that is under 12 years old.

Murine is a product that is similar to Debrox. It uses the same active ingredient, carbamide peroxide. Just like with Debrox, you can’t use Murine on a child that is under 12 years old.

The main difference is that the Murine ear drops are sold by themselves. This is ideal if you already have a rubber ball syringe at home so you can flush your ear canals.

These eardrops will loosen cerumen thanks to the foaming action. You can then flush the ear canal and get rid of any loose earwax by using lukewarm water. Note that it might take several applications to get rid of the blockage.

This product should break down and eliminate any ear wax buildup by foaming. It is safe to use and only takes a few minutes to work.

You can safely use Murine regularly, and these ear drops are a great way to maintain good hygiene and prevent cerumen from building up.

This is the best ear wax removal method for cleaning your ear canals regularly. Rubber ball syringes are very easy to find and inexpensive.

You can use these syringes to flush your ear canals with water. Make sure you don’t press too hard on the syringe since you should clean your ear canals gently.

It is also important to use water that is at body temperature. Using warm or cold water can cause dizziness. You can use as much water as you want and flush your ear canals as often as needed.

The lukewarm water will loosen ear wax and gently clean the ear canals. This is a great way to get rid of residues and to prevent more build ups from appearing.

If there is impaction or blockage, it is best to combine this method with eardrops or with another method that can tackle the buildup. Using a rubber ball syringe and some water is perfect if you want to keep your ear canals clean and this is something you can do on a weekly basis to maintain good hygiene.

This method is safe to use on children.

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic solution. It’s very inexpensive and can be used to remove earwax since it naturally foams.

There is a wide range of uses of hydrogen peroxide, and you should keep a bottle around the house at all times.

The carbamide peroxide you will find in over-the-counter earwax removal drops is similar to hydrogen peroxide. The main difference is the concentration of the solution, but both products can remove cerumen.

Hydrogen peroxide is more concentrated than carbamide peroxide. You should only need a couple of drops to clean your ear canals, but you can also dilute hydrogen peroxide in lukewarm water to reduce its concentration and use this mixture to flush your ear canals gently.

The advantage of using hydrogen peroxide is that it will effectively clean the inside of your ear canal and prevent infections, which can be a complication of severe impaction.

The downside of using hydrogen peroxide is that this product is not sold with an applicator. However, you can easily dilute hydrogen peroxide in lukewarm water and use a rubber ball syringe to flush your ear canals with this mixture.

Baby oil is used to hydrate baby skin, but you can also use this product to remove earwax blockage. Baby oil works as a lubricant and will help eliminate blockage, especially if the earwax is dry or hardened.

Loosening an earwax buildup with ear drops, hydrogen peroxide, or water can take a while if the earwax has hardened. Instead, you can use baby oil to loosen the blockage and remove the earwax.

Baby oil is safe to use, but you should only use a few drops to avoid making a mess. Use an applicator designed for eardrops to get the baby oil inside of your ear canal.

Wait a few minutes for the baby oil to loosen the earwax and flush your ear canal with lukewarm water. Repeat as often as you need.

Don’t hesitate to flush your ear canal several times to get all the baby oil out. The downside of this earwax removal method is that baby oil can be messy and removing residues from your ear canal can take a while.

Mineral oil is derived from petroleum. It is a natural lubricant that is used in many moisturizers and cosmetics.

You can use mineral oil to remove earwax. This method is similar to using baby oil since the main difference between the two products is that baby oil typically contains fragrance while mineral oil doesn’t.

You only a few drops of mineral oil to loosen an earwax buildup. Make sure you flush your ear canals with water afterward to remove any mineral oil buildup.

The downside of using mineral oil is that this product doesn’t come with an applicator. You will either have to purchase a small applicator separately or use a rubber ball syringe to apply the mineral oil.

You can purchase glycerin to cleanse and moisturize your skin. This product is also an excellent earwax removal option.

Glycerin is a common ingredient used in soaps and beauty products. It will lubricate your ear canal and help you remove any ear wax buildup while cleansing the inside of the ear canal.

This is a product you can regularly use to remove existing blockage and prevent any buildups in the future.

Make sure you use a small quantity of glycerin to avoid making a mess and rinse the ear canal with lukewarm water to remove any glycerin residues. This should flush out any earwax.

This is a safe and gentle method you can use to remove buildups and keep your ear canals clean.

There are a few things you should know before you attempt removing an earwax buildup at home. Some methods aren’t safe to use, and some symptoms indicate you should see a doctor instead.

Symptoms Of An Earwax Blockage

A blockage or impaction is caused by earwax building up and clogging an ear canal. It is sometimes possible to feel the blockage. If you have a sensation of fullness in your ear or experience itching, it is time to clean your ear canals.

Earwax drainage can sometimes be seen outside of the ear canal. Severe blockages can impact your hearing and even your balance.

You might experience a ringing in your ear or dizziness if your ear canal is clogged. In some cases, symptoms include earaches and coughing.

When To See A Doctor

You should see a doctor if you experience severe symptoms such as a spinning sensation or a loss of balance. You should also seek medical attention if you experience a severe earache or develop a fever since this could be a sign that your ear canal is getting infected.

You should know that the ear canal and nearby eardrum are very sensitive. If the earwax removal methods you tried at home don’t work, schedule an appointment with a doctor.

Your doctor will be able to use more advanced methods to safely extract earwax. Your doctor can irrigate your ear canals to cleanse them, use a sodium bicarbonate solution to dissolve a buildup or use suction to remove a blockage.

Your doctor can also prescribe some ear drops. These products are more powerful than the over-the-counter ear drops you can purchase.

How To Prevent Earwax Buildups

You can prevent impaction and buildups by adopting good hygiene. Flushing your ear canals with water, using eardrops, or cleaning your ear canals with hydrogen peroxide will eliminate loose wax and prevent buildups and clogs.

However, you should know that some people are more prone to blockage than others. Their glands produce more cerumen, or their ear canals clog easily because they have an odd shape. If this is your case, clean your ear canals regularly.

Earwax Removal Methods To Avoid

The best ear wax removal methods include dissolving or loosening the cerumen. Cotton swabs can remove some of the surface cerumen but will push wax deeper into the canal. This can result in a blockage or worsen an existing impaction.

Inserting foreign objects into your ear canal isn’t safe. You could accidentally damage your eardrum or ear canal, which can result in an infection. Using a rubber ball syringe or a small applicator designed for ea rdrops is the only safe way to insert something in your ear canal.

You might have heard of a method called ear candling. This method uses a candle with a cone underneath it to create a vacuum. Suction is supposed to extract earwax. This method doesn’t work and can be dangerous since you need to have a flame close to your skin and hair.

If you have a doubt about which earwax removal method would be best for you, talk to your doctor to get a recommendation.

The earwax removal methods and products mentioned above are safe to use and should work for any clog, buildup, or impaction. These are methods you can regularly use to maintain good hygiene and prevent more build ups from appearing in the future. Schedule an appointment with your doctor if you can’t get rid of a buildup or experience severe symptoms!